Village History
Steeple Claydon School
BOL D, TUOSDAL ‘IL 6. Present—Mr. Geo. Barrett (chairman), Rev. R. Davies, Dr. Benson, Mr. Geo. Ingram, and Mr. White. On a reporter presenting himself, the Her. Davies at once proposed that the Press be admitted to all meetings of the Board. This was seconded by Mr. Ingram and carried. The Clerk read a letter be had received from Miss Jackson, the school mistress of the present National Schools, asking that certain urgent repairs should be done to the windows, which needed repairing ; also the clocks should be seen to, as they would not go. r. Ingram proposed that the Clerk write to sir Harry Verney, as to the ownership of the present schools. The Rev. H. Davies stated that he was certain Sir Harry Varney would reply at once, and assist them in the matter. Mr. Ingram stated that the Medical Officer of Health had been over to Claydnn that day reepecting the outbreak of scarlatina. He desired the school mix tress to be very careful not to admit children to school when there were eases of scarlatina in the family, and that Dr. De’Ath would inspect the school in a few days if considered advisable. Dr. Benson proposed that the Clerk write to the Education Department stating that they wished to take over the present National Schools, and at once take charge of the children. This was seoonded by the Hey. W. H. Davies and carried. The Rev. H. Davies then proposed that the Clerk should prepare an agenda, and forward to each member before the meeting. The Bev. H. Davies also proposed that “Owen ‘s Educational Manual ” should be pa/chased by the Board, which was agreed to. The question of the office of Clerk and the Attee. dance Odloer was discussed, —The Rev. IL Davies proposed that these should be two distinct offices.—Mr. White stated that Mr. Turner, the relieving officer, had appled foe the office of attendance officer, and he would propose that he should be appointed.—An appli. cation was also read from Mr. Jaber Beckett for the office. After some diecuselon it was agreed to let it stand over. It was also ‘ , roomed that the salary of the Clerk should stand over till the next meeting ; but the Rev. H. Dame proposed that they should at once agree as to the salary they were were willing to pay their clerk.—Several propositions were made end after some discussion Dr. Benson proposed and Mr. Ingram seconded thet the salary should be Ai per year ; the Rev. H. Davies proposed that the salary should to V. 15, there beteg no seconder to the latter propomtlon the former was carried, £2 to be paid quarterly. It was proposed and agreed to, that the nett meet. fog should be held on Feb. 13, at o’clock. when they expected they should have Sir Harry Verney ‘s reply to their letter.
Bicester Herald – Friday 16 February 1894