Village History

Dr Benenn :

I don’t think • man in deceased’s sedition could possibly recover. And I may say that in the American War out of 383 persona affected only 27 recovered. Mr T. Grace : How many times did you visit him after the lOth Dr Henson I have seem him ea ttten as I thought )se needed. Did you say to bie mother ” He is a drunken rascal. and not worth dectoring?” No. I did not. I said that as by met with his saddest on the Thureday evenirg they might have ‘ waited till the service was over before sending for me out of church. Catherine Beckett, re-called. said she mat for an order on Friday morning, but it was nut granted, and so the deceased told her not to trouble about it. Edward Turner, Believing Oscer for No. 2 District, Buckingham Union, said he received an application from Catherine Beckett’s daughter between ten and eleven o’el .ck on April Bth. He took the particulars of the case. He did not consider from the daughter’s statement that it was an urgent mow. nor did he consider it wan a ease for the parish, but as Board day was on the following day, datur lay, he instructed the daughter to go back to b. r another and tell her that they had better get the Boot .r down, and that he would lay the case before the Board if they would let him know at night. The daughter did not return with any message. He received an application on Sunday morning, the 10th, for an order for deceased He told the man that came for it they bad acted very foolishly in not 11/Attie.: him bay as promised on the Friday night. He Loire the order on the memenger’s statement. By Mr T. Orace The ease was not mentioned at the Rotel. Whom did not receive any note from Mr. Lester to be continued

Northampton Mercury – Friday 01 March 1901