Village Personalities

Maid to Florence Nightingale

Thursday last week Mrs. 11.Webb reached the age of ‘.HJ and number of her relations from Steeple Claydon, Newton Ixmgville and Shea* ley met her and joined very pleasant and happy time for the birthday party at the home Miss V. Sear and Mrs. H. Webb. Mrs. Webb was native of Dadford. A daughter of the late Mr. ami Mrs. T, Wilkins, left home early and ”as employed East Clay* lon Vicarage. Later she Ufft there to l»e maid to Miss Florence Nightingale. Miss Nightingale “as ven strict lisciplinarian.” she said. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Webb s mniher she had 10 leave London and return home. Her mother, however, pas set 1 awav and Mrs. Webb returned to London ami from there she got marrieil. Her hiisliaiul. Mr. K. Wchlj. «as L.t C. S(a‘ei;il Officer. He ‘lied \ears ago and after his death Mrs. came to Steeple Claytlon to live t’llh her niece. Miss F. Sear. Mrs. was one of the most itt dnslrioiis workers during the st-eoml world war in making k gloves, sea-boot stockings helmets etc., for the troop«. Slie was the recipient many gifts ami good wishes her ‘.Kith birthday. She was very proud receive letter from Sir Frank Markham, M.F.. eon grat(dating her and hoping she would enjoy good health and reach her century. She enjoys making rugs and mats for her many friends.

Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press – Saturday 31 July 1954