Statue of Florence NIGHTINGALE
To Be Unveiled To-day. Without otreMuj tho statue rawed to tha memory of Flora.ee Nightingale will today be printely unveiled. emit ia of special interest at a time . hen eaiiora and aoldiers fighting for the country’, very existence are reaping the fruit of the great work foot by Florence Nightingale. The statue has been erected ia Waterloo Place by the side Foley’e etatue of Sidney Herbert, with the Crimean Guards’ memorial a few yards in the rear, the whole forming an interesting and imposing group. It .rue the suggestion of Lord Saataford that the Florence Nightingale statue be placed alongside tost el the man through whoee iustrumentality aha undertook the great Crimean mission, and by whom she waa supported, and that the two figures prominently associated with the Crimean war ahould brought into cloee proximity to the Guards’ memorial. The Nightingale statue stands on pedestal tea feet tea inches high, tha figure itself being nine feet high. shows uiaa Nightingale she walked through tho has. pital wards at Scutari. In her left m lamp, her right holds up the skirt of the plain dress tho early Victorian period. smoothly brushed hair is half covered by a cap. In the face Hr. A. O. Walker, the sculptor, has excellently expressed Florence Nightingale’s characteristic will power. Four panels on the the statue are filled, one with Florence Nightingale in the centre of group of convalescent soldiers, the second Florence Nightingale with medical officer in front row of cots occupied by wounded soldiers, the third with Florence Nightingale her old age talking to nurses at St. Thomaa’s Hospital, and the fourth with the inscriptioo. ‘’Florence Nightingale IU2O-1910.” The moremest for the ereotios of the statue was set foot three jean ago, ana in connection with it (mm of jBO.OOO hne been handed to the Trained Nurses’ Annuity Fund to fora fund for peneionn for disabled nnnea.
Northern Whig – Wednesday 24 February 1915