Village History
Steeple Claydon. Accident. On the 1st instant s f ‘°” Robert at.Steeple Claydon, to Edward for the Dubrey, labourers. They...
Steeple Claydon. Accident. On the 1st instant s f ‘°” Robert at.Steeple Claydon, to Edward for the Dubrey, labourers. They...
Indeed, such a ball and library seemed to him to be one of the menials of civilised community. He was...
Foundation Stone Laying. in the village of Steeple Claydon there are already many evidences of the benevolence and kindly thought...
Dame Margaret Verney The building not yet very far advanced, and bunting and flags floated from the surrounding scaffolding. There...
Special Prayers were then read by the Vicar, , including the following special prayers :— “Almighty God, without whom nothing...
Sir Edmund Verney then said was supposed by some people that libraries were modern institutions. This was entirely mistake, tor...
Florence Nightingale It is to record the many kind Obi made to our Library since it was opened on 10th...
The Real Florence Nightingale. was tbe fat© “of Florence Nightingale become, as Mr, Jowett one© told her, legend in her...
The Real Florence NIGHTINGALE The Call.” age mind was made up tla&t she must into, the nursing profession, a thing...