In Memory
Sir Harry Verney, the venerable Baronet, who completed his 92nd year in December, died on Monday morning at his residence, Claydon House, Bucks, after a few days’ illness. Sir Harry Verney, after serving in the 7th Royal Fusiliers and the Grenadier Guards, succeeded his father. Sir Henry Calvert, as second Baronet, in 1826 In 1827 he assumed the name of Vernev, upon inheriting the estates of Mary Verney, Baroness Fermanagh. Sir Harry Buckingham in Parliament in 1832-41, 1857-74, and 1880-84. was a Depntv Lieutpnant and Justice of the Peace for Bucks, and Deputy Chairman of the Buckinghamshire Railway Company. He married twice. He was a model landlord, and almost idolised by the tenants. Sir Harry Verney shared with the late Lord Addington and Lord Cottesloe, who were near neighbours, distinction of being the three great old men Buckinghamshire He was one of Mr. Gladstone’s oldest friends. Sir Harry was a member of, and a frequent speaker at, the London and Oxford Diocesan Conferences. There were few philanthropic and social movements in which be was not personally concerned He took a great in tnrest in the development of railways in his county. Sir Harry Verney was the ” father of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. He was the last survivor the band eminent men who met at Freemasons’ Tavern on May 9, 1838, to found the English Agricultural Society. Both Lady Verney and Sir Harry were deeply interested the question of small holdings. Sir Harry leaves three sons, the eldest of whom, Edmund Hope Verney, late Captain R.N., was born 1838, and served with distinction with the Fleet in the Baltic under Admiral Napier the Russian war, and again in India during the Mutiny, when he distinguished himself. He married in 1868, Margaret Maria, daughter of the late Sir John Hay Williams, Bodelwyddan, Flintshire, by whom he has family. Mr. Vprney also pat Parliament for the Buckingham division for several years ; but, only too well remembered, his public career was brought to an end a few years ago through his own misconduct. The funeral of the late Sir Harry took place Claydon on Thursday, in the presence a large number friends and relatives. The large number wreaths from the Premier and one from Miss Florence Nightingale
Reading Mercury – Saturday 17 February 1894