Library History

Indeed, such a ball and library

seemed to him to be one of the menials of civilised community. He was surprised that there was no maps in the library, and in order that that source of interest might not be altogether wanted he would ask the Chairman’s permission to send them on an atlas. Mr. Stanley Veyman, the novelist, next spoke, and paid high compliment to the pen of Lady Verney as a writer of books of invaluable interest. There was a very pleasing feature introduced by Master Hugh Hamilton Henson and Miss Mabel Farnborough ascending the platform and presented, with a few graceful words, a silver key and bouquet of flowers to Lady McLaren. When the applause had subsided Lady McLaren said she was very much obliged to them for the key and bouquet, and she would ask them to escort her to the library so that she might unlock its doors. On returning, Lady McLaren announce.’ that the key fitted the library, and she had unlocked it and now had the great pleasure of declaring it open The Rev. C. Hass then spoke upon the various public movements in the parish in relation to the library, and said last April they witnessed a most interesting ceremony when the foundation atone was laid, but he felt that this function of the opening ceremony was still more important to them all. ln the village they possessed a large variety of public and other institutions, and one and all had done their level best in this matter, and in this connection he referred to the religious and theological, the industrial and economical, and the social and educational sides. In the religious movement they bail the Parish Church situate at one end of the village aid the chapel at other and be felt that in this hall, which was in the centre of the village, they had one place in which they could all meet in social intercourse and enjoyment. In conclusion he proposed a very hearty vote of thanks to Lady McLaren for attending and opening the library. Dr. Benson (chairman of the Society’ Board) had great pleasure in seconding the vote of thanks to Lady ‘McLaren, who had come a long distance in order to be present. He referred to the tablet on the front of the building, which gave the dates of 1656 of the Chaloner Library, and of 1902 of the present one. lt need hardly tell them that in 1656 there were very few public libraries, but as they bad heard from chairman, Thomas Chaloner gave the ground and built a school upon it, and practically laid the foundation of what they were enjoying that evening. to be continued…………..